Get up to $500 in flight credits or grants toward study or internship programs abroad when you apply by March 15, 2025. See our Official Rules for full details.
1. How has your study abroad experience shaped you?
My study abroad experience has shaped who I am because it reminded me that I am capable of so much. That I am strong enough and determined enough to achieve my dreams. That even though you might be scared of stepping outside of your comfort zone, you will come out the other side stronger and with so much joy. During my study abroad experience, I pushed myself by speaking Spanish in and out of the classroom, by going to local events and shopping at local stores. By taking the train and walking to new parts of the city to learn about the different neighborhoods. By signing up for classes outside my program and volunteering with an organization. These are things that I do back home, and brought me joy to take part in abroad even with its challenges. Study abroad shaped my career because as an Artist and history major, I was able to go to certain exhibits and learn about things that I never knew, things that inspired me to create certain art pieces. As an inspiring environmental law student, learning about the communities within Barcelona, the city mapping, and immigration as expanded my knowledge and my perspective.
2. Why would you like to be an Alumni Ambassador?
I would like to be a CEA alumni ambassador because I would love to inspire other people of color to study abroad. I couldn't have gone abroad without the support of my family and community. Studying abroad is something that it very special and doesn't come as easy as some like to assume. I was love to help others go abroad by being the person they can say did it. A person that can help them push through any fears and get them on the path of saving and preparing for this experience that they will remember forever.